The Developing Artist Piano Literature Book 4 is a collection of authentic keyboard literature, complete with demonstration audio, for the late-intermediate pianist. The book consists of carefully selected repertoire from theBaroque, Classical, Romantic, and Contemporary periods. Historical text on the major periods of music history is presented at the beginning of the book. This series complements The Developing Artist Piano Sonatinas Books 1 - 4.Contents: BACH: Bourree in E minor · Little Prelude in C Major, BWV 939 · Little Prelude in F Major, BWV 927 · Musett in G Major (Gavotte II from English Suite No. 3, BWV 808) · Prelude in C Major · BUTTSTEDT: Minuet in D minor ·GRAUPNER: Intrada · PESCETTI: Presto · SCARLATTI: Folia · C.P.E. BACH: Solfeggietto · W.F. BACH: Allegro in A Major · BEETHOVEN: Fur Elise · Minuet in G Major, WoO 10, No. 2 · BENDA: Sonatina in A minor · CLEMENTI: Sonatina in GMajor, OP. 36, No. 2 · HAYDN: Concerto in C · KUHLAU: Sonatina in C Major, OP. 55, No. 1 · BEACH: Canoeing, Op. 119, No. 3 · BURGMULLER: L'Orage, Op. 109, No. 13 · CHOPIN: Mazurka in F Major, OP. 68, No. 3 · Prelude in B minor,OP. 28, No. 6 · Prelude in E minor, Op. 38, No. 4 · Waltz in A minor · FIBICH: Adagio and Furiant · GRIEG: Sailor's Song, Op. 68, No. 1 · Watchman's Song, Op. 12, No. 3 · GURLITT: Miniature · Scherzo in D Minor · TCHAIKOVSKY:Sweet Dream, Op. 39, No. 21 · FABER: Ride of Pegasus · Winter Painting · MCKAY: Bronco Bill · Distant Sierras · REBIKOV: Dance with a Bell · In the Forest, OP. 51, No. 4 · ROSSI: Giant Purple Butterflies
1. Bourree In E Minor (Js Bach)
2. Little Prelude In C Major (Bwv939) (Js Bach)
3. Little Prelude In F Major (Bwv927) (Js Bach)
4. Musette In G Major (Bwv808) (Js Bach)
5. Prelude In C Major (Js Bach)
6. Minuet In D Minor (Jh Buttstedt)
7. Intrada (C Graupner)
8. Presto (Giovanni Pescetti)
9. Folia (A Scarlatti)
10. Solfeggietto (Carl Philipp Bach)
11. Allegro In A Major (Wilhelm Bach)
12. Fur Elise (Beethoven)
13. Minuet In G Major (Beethoven)
14. Sonatina In A Minor (Jiri Benda)
15. Sonatina In G Major Op36 No2 (Muzio Clementi)
16. Concerto In C (Franz Haydn)
17. Sonatina In C Major Op55 No1 (Friedrich Kuhlau)
18. Canoeing Op119 No3 (Amy Beach)
19. L'orage Op109 No13 (Burgmuller)
20. Mazurka In F Major (Op 68 No3) (Chopin)
21. Prelude In B Minor (Op28 No6) (Chopin)
22. Prelude In E Minor (Op 28 No 6) (Chopin)
23. Waltz In A Minor (Chopin)
24. Adagio & Furiant (Fibich)
25. Sailor's Song (Op68 No1) (Grieg)
26. Watchman's Songs (Op12 No3) (Grieg)
27. Miniature (Gurlitt)
28. Scherzo In D Minor (Gurlitt)
29. Sweet Dream (Tchaikovsky)
30. Ride Of Pegasus (Faber, Nancy)
31. Winter Painting (Faber, Nancy)
32. Bronco Bill (G Mckay)
33. Distant Sierras (G Mckay)
34. Dance With A Bell (Rebikov)
35. In The Forest (Op51 No4)
36. Giant Purple Butterflies (Rossi)
37. Piano Literature, Book 4
Svårighetsgrad: EASY