Instruments: SATB
Two fine collections of our composers' arrangements of many of the most popular hymns. Their treatment has turned these wonderful melodies into beautiful and devotional hymn anthems.
1. Around the throne of God [Richard Lloyd]
2. Christ is made the sure foundation [John Marsh]
3. In full and glad surrender [Andrew Moore]
4. Jesu, lover of my soul [June Nixon]
5. Low in the grave he lay [Rosalie Bonighton]
6. My God, and is thy table spread [Martin Setchell]
7. O praise ye the Lord! [Betty Roe]
8. O worship the King [Robert Jones]
9. Shall we gather at the river? [Elizabeth Hill]
10. Take my life, and let it be [Norman Warren]
11. The Church's one foundation [Norman Warren]
12. The King of love my shepherd is [Betty Roe]
13. To God be the glory! [Stanley Vann]
14. What a friend we have in Jesus [Michael Higgins]
15. When I Survey The Wondrous Cross [Lloyd, Richard]