Paperback edition available: NOV151020.
1. At The Close Of The Evening (The Knight Of Malta)
2. Fled Is My Love, For Ever Gone (A Fool's Preferment)
3. I Look'd, And Saw Within The Book Of Fate (The Indian Emperor)
4. I Sigh'd And I Pin'd (A Fool's Preferment)
5. I Sigh'd, And Own'd My Love (The Fatal Marriage)
6. If Thou Wilt Give Me Back My Love (A Fool's Preferment)
7. I'll Mount To Yon Blue Coelum (A Fool's Preferment)
8. I'll Sail Upon The Dog-star (A Fool's Preferment)
9. In Vain 'Gainst Love I Strove (Henry The Second, King Of England)
10. Jenny, Gin You Can Love (A Fool's Preferment)
11. Love Thou Art Best Of Human Joys (The Female Virtuosos)
12. Retir'd From Mortal's Sight (The History Of King Richard The Second)
13. The Danger Is Over, The Battle Is Past (The Fatal Marriage)
14. The Gordian Knot Unty'd
15. There's Nothing So Fatal As Woman (A Fool's Preferment)
16. 'tis Death Alone Can Give Me Ease (A Fool's Preferment)